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Sembrando Semillas & Emprendedora Jump-Start Duo Course 🌟
Sembrando Semillas Module 1
Sembrando Semillas Opening Practice (15:08)
Sembrando Semillas Lesson 2 Self-Assessment and Brain Dump (10:41)
Lesson 3 Creating Your Personal Mission Statement (20:38)
Sembrando Semillas Lesson 4 Unlocking Your Dreams (13:32)
Sembrando Semillas Lesson 5 Setting the Foundation for Your Dreams (19:57)
Sembrando Semillas Lesson Six Redefining Success (16:49)
Sembrando Semillas Lesson Seven Visualize (8:06)
Closing End of Module 1 and Introduction to Module 2 (4:03)
Sembrando Semillas Module 2
Sembrando Semillas Module 2 Opening Practice (2:21)
Sembrando Semillas Module 2 Introduction (5:15)
Sembrando Semillas Module 2 Lesson 1 Working with Your Personal Mission Statement (10:35)
Sembrando Semillas Module 2 Lesson 2 Defining Success and Putting it Into Action (9:39)
Sembrando Semillas Workshops
August Sembrando Semillas Workshop Mid-Year Check In (86:40)
October Sembrando Semillas Workshop 🍁 (55:10)
Sembrando Semillas Opening Practice
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